Helping children and young people to
survive, thrive and smile
What We Do
We operate based on an innovative low cost – no cost charity model. Almost100% of donations received by FCC are directly distributed to Northamptonshire children and young people.
In 2022 we will be helping disadvantaged children and young people in Northamptonshire, in particular recognising that most have experienced further adversity due to Covid-19 and the cost of living crisis.
We only accept applications submitted on our application form and from professionals and credible community workers who are formally working with children in the county. These professionals may include roles such as social workers, teaching staff, youth and community workers, therapists and health professionals.
We do not accept approaches or applications from individuals. If an individual contacts us we will send a standard response which clearly states our application process.
Read this page, complete the application and Submit the form back to us.
You can apply for grants towards school uniforms, clothing, shoes, coats, and other such necessities for individual children. Also, grants towards diverse festive activities, festivals and celebrations for children.
Consideration and application decisions are solely at the discretion of trustees.
Any applications from schools or for school uniform will need to explain how they meet September 2022 legislation in respect to providing affordable uniforms for their pupils, including:
alternatives to branded logo items
how branded items are kept to a minimum
how high street options are acceptable as uniform
how uniform policy is easily accessible
how they make sure second hand uniforms are available
The School Wear Association recommends that a secondary school uniform and sportswear (average cost) is circa £100
We do not fund school transport costs as this is a statutory responsibility.
We will also require information based on how pupil premium has already been accessed before considering any application.
Any application received without this additional information will not be considered.
Helping children and young people to survive, thrive and smile!
The Difference FCC is Making
Access to toiletries and hygiene resources
Access to clothes and shoes
Access to toys, games and books
Christmas presents for children who may not be getting any
Easter eggs for children who may not be getting one
Contribute food towards festive events
Provide fun and smiles
Recognising the achievements of local disadvantaged children
Copyright © 2019 - Faraway Children's Charity
Registered Charity Number: 1137170
T: 07495539611
Website created and maintained free of charge by Easy Admin